Convention gaming timeline history of The Evil Fleet
After several years of a series of playing in bad events at Gen Con we decided to throw our preverbal hats into the gaming ring and run an event. We ran one event at Gen Con in 1998 and that was our first convention game ever. The union of our creative minds was complete in the form of The Evil Fleet. Which gave birth to our first and oldest child Can of Whupass.
It was a rocky start but just as the GM running the event Nick Cosino began to falter, (and that was really early) in keeping with any good PPV event David Wulatin ran in and saved the day. He took control and we were smooth errr sailing after that. It ended in success and we learned a bit about our group.
Can of Whupass 1998
What are heroes, villains and John Tesh doing in the same ring? Slugging it out on pay-per-view! Roleplayers welcome. Ear-biting encouraged!
GM: David Wulatin, Nick Cosino
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
In 1999 our gaming group went through a restructuring of sorts. We parted ways with a few members and we came down to the five core members of Judith Warren, David Wulatin, Bill Maddocks, David Scheftel and David Cabrera. It was for the better and we became a much stronger, more focused group.
We did not run any events that year but instead we started to make plans to make Can of Whupass the best game we could and committed to running it again in 2000. We learned a lot from running out first game at a convention so we were going to take what we learned and apply it to our future games. We dreamed of expanding to more games but we were not sure if we would. Only time would tell.
In 2000 we bounced right back into the hosting arena and ran our Can of Whupass for the second time. All the faces of the players were new to us but many would soon become returning players. We didn’t know it yet but some of the people playing in our event would become core players in our event ever year.
We also did not know that the word was spreading. Like wildfire or any good pirate assault The Evil Fleet was coming and there was no stopping us.
Can of Whupass 2000
What are heroes, villains, professional wrestlers, ear-biting boxers, pop-culture icons, the governor of Minnesota, and characters from other RPG systems doing in the same ring? Duking it out on pay-per-view! Come join the only slugfest where good roleplaying improves your character’s chances to win! Cool prizes for all players! Get your dice, plant your tongue firmly in cheek, and join us for a slobberknocker at the Smackdown Hotel! Do smell what we're cookin!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
Once again in 2001 we only ran one game and that was our first born Can of Whupass. We saw many of the same people return that we had seen play in our event the year before. They also brought many more of their friends telling them that this was a great event to play in.
We began to believe that we were doing something right and people were enjoying our event very much. Can of Whupass had now become our signature event but slowly thoughts and rumors began to form in our minds about running other events in the future. Like a malignant all consuming mass we were beginning to grow.
Can of Whupass 2001: Only on PPV!
The only slugfest in which good roleplaying improves your chances to win! Get in the ring with pop culture icons, ear-biting boxers, wrestling governors, and characters from other RPGs! Cool prizes for everyone! Come smell what we’re cookin’!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
The year of expansion. We ran our signature Can of Whupass but that was just the beginning. David Wulatin and David Scheftel collaborated to do a Paranoia event. David Scheftel wrote and David Wulatin ran the event Paranoia Trek.
Paranoia Trek became our second ongoing event. It was only a small start to our expansion but the wheels were set in motion. We still played in some events our self but none of us could say we enjoyed any of the events we had played in so the decision was made that next year we would run more events and that would be The Evil Fleet’s contribution to Gen Con. We were in full swing.
Paranoia Trek: To Boldly Vaporize Like No One Before
Friend Computer has detected a potential problem in FED sector, so Jimm-Y-KRK, Point-Y-ERZ, Scott-Y-BZE, Bald-Y-HED, Wesle-Y-KID and the rest are summoned for an Away Team mission of great importance. Remember: Violating the Prime Directive is treason!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GM: David Scheftel
Can of Whupass 2002: One More Milwaukee Massacre
The only slugfest where good roleplaying increases your chances to win! Duke it out with pop culture icons, ear-biting boxers, and characters from other RPGs. Cool prizes for all players.
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
In 2002 we doubled our events from one to two. In 2003 we doubled again and put out four events that year. It seems we were growing exponentially and thus we added two more weapons to our arsenal.
David Scheftel added our first D20 game based on Greek mythology, while Bill Maddocks and David Cabrera collaborated to bring our first Call of Cthulhu event to Gen Con. We were now covering four different gaming systems. How many more in the future? Only time would tell.
Ice Station Omega
Point Barrow, Alaska. 1952. Perched on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, this small Inuit outpost has suddenly become a flashpoint of the Cold War. Something was found under the ice, and now apparently someone or something is willing to kill for it. Can the investigators unravel this mystery?
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
A Snowball’s Chance in Hades
By Zeus, your vicious band of evil marauders has met no opposition that can stop you and nothing that caused you fear – at least until you found yourself in the Greek underworld before the throne of Hades. But Hercules, Orpheus, Theseus and a bunch of others have gotten our on their own, so with your whole party it shouldn’t be too difficult to escape right? Right? Sorry, the Oracle of Delphi gives you. A Snowball’s Chance in Hades!
GM: David Scheftel
Paranoia Trek II: The Rash of Ricard-U-KHN!
Return to FED sector in it’s second year at Gen Con! Jimm-Y-KRK, Point-Y-ERZ, Scott-Y-BZE, Bald-Y-HED and the rest of you are summoned for an Away Team mission of great importance. You must find the Gen-I-SYS Device, which is extremely [classified] because of it’s ability to [classified], so whatever you do, don’t [classified], if you fail in this mission, you will be reassigned to Locutus-U-BRG’s new Infrared Assimilation project.
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GM: David Scheftel
Can of Whupass 2003: The Indy Insanity!
What do the Killer Rabbit, the Soup Nazi, Dr. T, and Bubba Fett all have in common? They’ve all been past winners of the most outrageous battle on pay-per-view! Duke it out with pop culture icons and characters from other RPGs! It’s the only slugfest where good roleplaying improves you chance to win! Cool prizes for all players! Find out why more than one player has called this the best event at Gen Con!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
Ok so maybe exponentially was the wrong word. We didn’t grow any larger in the amount of events we ran but as we have always said we would rather run a few excellent events than run a bunch of events not worth playing.
We stuck to our guns and ran four events again in 2004 keeping with the same recipe that did so well for us the year before.
Heart of Darkness
1890: The Belgian Congo! Africa at last! The vast plains, the exotic creatures, the disease..oh, my. You plunge headlong down the Congo River deep into the African Bush in search of the rogue Colonel Kurtz. Hey, somebody should make a movie about this! Hmmm. What the hell, it’s Call of Cthulhu! What more do you want?
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
Paranoia Trek III: The Search for a Plot
The third year of Paranoia Trek comes to Gen Con! Once again FED sector is in trouble and you are the only Troubleshooter team in the quadrant [the most expendable Troubleshooter team available]. If you want to poke gentle fun at everyone’s favorite SF genre, look elsewhere. If you want lots of cheap jokes about hairpieces, bad Russian accents and Spock’s Brain, you’ve go it here!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GM: David Scheftel
Chaos Rumblings: JLA vs. Avengers vs. Astro City Heroes vs. Dark Champions
It’s a fight to the finish! Four teams of four heroes compete for bragging rights and (of course) the survival of their universes. All-out combat with just enough individual and team problem solving for taste. Four tables and four BMs, and we will keep groups of players on teams together as much as possible.
GM: David Scheftel
Co-GMs: David Wulatin, Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera
Can of Whupass 2004: We Don’t Do Nuance
Heroes, villains, characters from other RPGs, and pop culture icons duke it out in the ultimate wrestling PPV! It’s the only slugfest where good roleplaying increases your chance to win! The only event with cool prizes for all players! The only event where you’re in the game, even when you character isn’t! The only event where it’s as fun to crown the winner as it is to win! Find out why so many have called this ‘the best event at Gen Con!’
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
We ran the same line up of game types that we did in 2004. All the stories and scenarios were different but we ran the same type of events from the year before. At this point we had a good line up and we were not ready to make any changes.
With some of our events having return years a pattern was beginning to develop for us. Paranoia Trek was in its fourth year, both our Cthulhu event and Chaos Rumblings was in their second year and our signature event Can of Whupass was in its seventh year. However things were brewing and the next year promised to bring more changes for the good.
Paranoia Trek IV: We Couldn't Afford Futuristic Sets
Fourth year at Gen Con! The Computer has identified one of the original architects of Communism, and High Programmer Conn-U-JON has assigned your Away Team the responsibility of traveling back in time to remove him from the timeline and/or save some whales. Who is this target? He's so powerful that it was said in the Old Reckoning that only he was able to go to China, and he lived in the Ultraviolet House...
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GM: David Scheftel
The Good, The Bad, and The Unnameable
1864, The New Mexico Territory. For six men the Civil War wasn't hell, it was practice. Now the opportunity of a lifetime has fallen into your laps. A stolen U.S. Army gold shipment is there for the taking. You just need to get it from the graveyard it's buried in. Piece of cake, right? Remember: two can dig a lot quicker than one.
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
Chaos Rumblings II: Brawl at the Batcave!
Mass escape at Arkham Asylum! Batman assembles the heroes he can at the Batcave before taking to the streets. A deafening explosion, and the Joker leads a pack of lunatics in through a side tunnel just as Deathstroke enters with a retinue of assassins paid to eliminate both the escapees and the crimefighters. Who could have engineered such a test for the Batman? Three teams of five will contend for Gotham! (We will try to keep groups together.)
GM: David Scheftel
Can of Whupass 2005: Fortified With "Flaxseed Oil"!
Our signature event in its seventh season! Pop culture and gaming icons duke it out on PPV! It's the only slugfest where good roleplaying increases your chances to win! The only event with cool prizes for all players! The only event with commentary by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog! This event is so popular that last year we had to turn some people away. Sign up now, and find out why many players have called this "The Best Event at Gen Con!"
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
It was another growing year for The Evil Fleet. This year David Wulatin took over running his returning Paranoia Trek event as a solo gig. This freed up David Scheftel to run a second Champions event. In addition David Cabrera and David Wulatin collaborated to bring us a second Call of Cthulhu event.
Our event totals were growing but we still kept one thing in mind; make the games as good as we can. We have always stressed quality over quantity and we always will.
Paranoia Trek V: The Worst of Them All
5th year at GenCon! To be honest, we haven't seen the movie since we walked out of the theatre halfway through 17 years ago, so the adventure will have very little to do with the source movie, just like the last four times we ran Paranoia Trek. So join Bald-Y-HED, Point-Y-ERZ, Mcco-Y-DOC and the rest as they defend FED sector against the threats of the Rommie Mutant Traitors! Warning: not responsible for flashbacks to the movie!
GMs: David Wulatin
Co-GM: David Scheftel
Templar Treasure
Jerusalem , 1168! As a member of the Militant Order of the Knights Hospitaller your duty is to guard the Holy Land from the Saracen enemies that surround the Crusader States on all sides. Now a new threat has arisen - only this one may come from within. Your Grand Master needs your service to discover if evil lies at the heart of your powerful brother Militant Order, the Legendary Knights Templar.
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
Last Stop
How many thousands of people in Chicago take the subway everyday with no problems? Well don’t count these six. There is no archeologist, no scientist and no antiques dealer. It’s only people like you. Guess they’ll have to survive on their wits and ingenuity. Yeah right. Ready to go along for the ride? Please stand clear of the doors and wait for your heart to come to a complete stop.
GM: David Cabrera
Co-GM: David Wulatin
Chaos Rumblings III: A Distinct Lack of Moral Ambiguity
Event Description: Our third year of big brawls -- this time, we've made it simple. No victory points, no alliances. Just two teams, six heroes against six villains, each meeting an equal opponent from another universe, winner takes all! Wonder Woman vs. Grey Hulk, Green Lantern vs. Magneto, Iron Man vs. Brainiac, and more!
GM: David Scheftel
Another Six Bricks in the Wall
Strange signs point to disturbances in time and space, mystic eddies reveal plots within plots. How will six very different bricks set all right? One thing is for sure -- they won't be able to simply punch their way to a solution. Or can they? Characters provided.
GM: David Scheftel
Can of Whupass 2006: The Will of Triumph!
Our signature event enters its eighth year! Pop culture and gaming icons duke it out on PPV! It's the only slugfest where good roleplaying increases your chances to win! The only event with cool prizes for all players! The only color commentary provided by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog: "Leni Riefenstahl was a great filmmaker...for me to poop on!" Find out why so many players have called this "The Best Event at Gen Con!"
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
This year proved to be the biggest in the way of change and events. In regards to listing of events all Champions events were changed over to reflect that they came from the Hero Games system so our listing changed to reflect that. We also had our first write up in the ‘Events Highlights’ section of the Gen Con program for that year. But those were hardly the biggest changes.
We had a new person join The Evil Fleet. Joe Linehan who is a long time running GM at Gen Con joined both our Chicago based gaming group and our Gen Con game running group as well. Joe brought with him many years of GMing experience and added his long list of continually running convention games to our line up. We were happy, fortunate, honored and proud that a GM with Joes experience wanted to join us. Evil Fleet gained a great GM and a great new friend.
With the addition of his long running games our list of events for 2007 rose from six to twelve. There goes that exponential thing again.
Lost Horizon
Travel to the Far East in search of the legendary Shangri-La. It’s the journey of a lifetime – not only because of what you may find there, but also because it’s 1937……and the Japanese just invaded China. Come see how our intrepid investigators fare.
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
Once upon a time there was a little man who lived in a little room. He had many stories to tell but no one would listen, not even a little. He was very sad. But now he has some new friends that can listen to his stories. He will be happy. And then they can all live happily ever after, or they could just die. Bedtime stories will never be the same. The End.
GM: David Cabrera
Co-GM: David Wulatin
Paranoia Trek VI: The Overlycovered Country
The Away Team is again summoned to an exciting…..ah, I can’t do it. It’s again a suicide mission of marginal importance involving Klin-G-ONN guards, pop culture reference, tons of GM hosing, awful puns, and some unprovoked unjustified violence. Point-Y-ERZ, Bald-Y-HED, Weasl-Y-KID and the rest are back. (It’s not like we’re going to waste time creating new characters.) We’ll probably recycle the same three jokes from the last few years too.
GMs: David Wulatin
Chaos Rumblings IV: Draft Day
There teams of published comic-book supers will meet in a ring, but only one team will leave. This year’s twist: each team will be formed on the spot by a draft! Draft your team from a roster of villains and heroes from DC, Marvel, City of Heroes, the Champions Universe, and other sources! We’ll try to keep co-entrants on the same team.
GM: David Scheftel
In The Vanguard
Odd events are rocking Chicago, and only the Windy City’s premiere super-hero team, the Vanguard can offer hope. But what appears to be a mundane violation of the space-time continuum may prove to be much more sinister than first expected. One brick, one blaster, one martial artist, one speedster, one mystic battlesuit and one mentalist are the 400 point characters that stand between survival and oblivion.
GM: David Scheftel
JSA: Fafmir Knows Best
The twist tie JSA is back at Gen Con for another year. It’s 1943 and things are starting to swing the Allies’ way in Europe. With the war still in doubt, the Germans acquire help of a mystical nature and only the Justice Society can come stop their evil plan. Play one of 18 golden age heroes!
GM: Joe Linehan
All-Thrills Comics #3: The Kefauver Papers
It’s 1950 and organized crime hearings are beginning to worry some very dangerous people. Golden Age Heroes face off against super-powered hit men determined to strike at congress itself. All-Thrills features public domain heroes from the 1940s in the darker post-war era. Role playing and a love for golden age comics is a must.
GM: Joe Linehan
LXC 3: Snakes on a Sleigh
Rudolph with your nose so bright get these @#$%^& snakes off this @#$%^ sleight! A superhero team of holiday heroes like Rudolph, Frosty, and the Grinch join together to fight one of the biggest threats Christmas has ever seen. A sense of humor and the desire to role play are keys to this game.
GM: Joe Linehan
Auditioners 7: The Squadron Sympathetic
Fair City’s greatest hero team faces their biggest threat yet. How do you look heroic when you’re facing a villain team that the public just can’t help rooting for? When a ridiculously silly force meets a cute and cuddly object something’s got to give. Role playing and a sense of humor are always encouraged for all Auditioners events.
GM: Joe Linehan
Cereal Killers 7: The Identity Prizes
Those cute little icons of cereal fame hid a deep dark secret. When a loved one is murdered, a web of intrigue unraveled and our heroes must come to terms with what was done to Jean La Foote and why Captain Crunch was kept in the dark. America’s favorite breakfast cereal icons star in this grim and gritty urban adventure. Role playing and a sense of humor stressed. This game is fortified with 8 essential vitamins.
GM: Joe Linehan
Seven inmates learn of a doomsday device set to destroy Millennium City. Not only are they criminals, they’re stuck in prison and the future of the city depends on them. Do they have what it takes to save the day before the forces of justice can stop them? Play a minion for a change in an adrenaline filled race against time.
GM: Joe Linehan
Can of Whupass 2007: There’s Strong…and Then There’s Whupass Strong
It’s not just about being the butt of laughter…it’s about laughing your butt off. Whupass enters its ninth year! Pop culture and gaming icons duke it out on PPV! It’s the only slugfest with the Taunt Rule, where good role playing increases you chance to win! The only event with cool prizes for all players, and color commentary from Triumph the Insult Comic Dog! Find out why so many players and spectators call this the best event at Gen Con!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, Joe Linehan, David Cabrera, David Scheftel
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
2008 was our biggest year ever! We ran a total of 13 different events with several of them running more than once. Unfortunately it took a toll on the energy and time of our veteran GM Joe Linehan. We would not see this kind of year from him again but we still have a lot of events to run.
Relics of the Past
The New York Museum of Natural History is about to open its biggest exhibition ever but two grizzly murders have everyone in a panic. Can you and your fellow investigators solve the mystery before the police shut down the museum for good?
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
The city: New York. The gang crimes and violence capital of the western hemisphere. Gangs terrorize the streets on days that end in Y and leave the citizens of the city fearfully asking "Why"? The mayor doesn't know where to turn. But when tonight is over, those on both sides of the thin blue line will think of the gang wars as the good ole days. Make sure you've got a pair and have one in the chamber - it's time to hit the streets.
GM: David Cabrera
Co-GM: David Wulatin
Ratchet It Up a Notch
Who's killing the rogue goblin arms dealers in Ratchet? Is it other goblin merchants upset at increased pirate activity? Maybe untrustworthy or double-crossed pirates? Or those stinking humans from Northwatch Hold? There's reward money to be made for the guild of Horde adventurers who can get to the bottom of this. Rest assured, the GM 100% guarantees* there will be none of the usual cheesy pop-culture references or inside jokes in this WoW adventure (*not to be construed as a guarantee).
World of Warcraft D20
GM: David Scheftel
The Tomb of Bloody Horrors
Ever wonder what it would be like to venture into the Tomb of Bloody Horrors, the deadliest dungeon in the land, with a group of malcontents and backstabbers? Well now's your chance. Join your fellow Undead minions of the Lich Lord Larloch as you prepare for a dungeon crawl done Paranoia style.
Dungeons & Dragons, 3.5 edition
GM: Bill Maddocks
Paranoia Trek VII: Degenerations of The Next Us
Greetings, Point-Y-ERZ, McCo-Y-DOC, Bald-Y-HED, Wrinkl-Y-HED, Weasl-Y-KID, Scott-Y-BZE, Touch-Y-FLY, and Janewa-Y-KAT! Congratulations on completing the previous six treks. Alpha Complex policy recommends the replacement of troubleshooters with new crew members on the seventh trek. Please boldly go to the Ready Room/Termination Center to justify your continued participation/existence in future treks. Have a nice/last daycycle!
GMs: David Wulatin
The Generation Gap
The Freedom Force is missing! Only one group of heroes is willing to step up to the dangerous assignment of finding them -- their parents! Join the Halfback, Captain Capitalism and Trophy Woman, Lady Cougar, and the other superparents on this mission. The quest is serious, but the characters aren't! (Last minute personnel change: Dr. Deadbeat is on a "business trip" to Vegas and can't make it to the rescue, but sent a birthday card with a postdated $25 check.)
GM: David Scheftel
JSA: Ghost of a Chance
Since the earliest days of my twist tie JSA events people have been asking for The Spectre. What? You didn’t think he’d be a PC did you? Can even the combined might of the Justice Society stand up to its toughest member? Play one of 18 members of the mighty JSA in an adventure you must see to believe.
GM: Joe Linehan
All-Thrills #4: Death Takes a Toll
It’s June of 1951 and mysterious forest fires spread are threatening the Northwest. Is it simply the dry season or is there something more sinister at hand? Meanwhile, the team copes with the loss of one of their own. Play one of a team of public domain golden age heroes in the changing world of the 1950s.
GM: Joe Linehan
Too Many Batmen
An iconic character like Batman has had so many incarnations—what happens when they all meet in an adventure of multiverse changing proportions. From the gun toting vigilante of the early days to the Adam West Batman to the All-Star Batman of Frank Miller and many others, this is the one game that guarantees you a chance to play the Dark Knight Detective.
GM: Joe Linehan
Tonight’s Episode: Gateway to Murder
Its 1971 and San Francisco is a city in terror. Do you have what it takes to bring a murderer to justice before your by the book commanding officer finally pulls your badge? Enter a world inspired by Bullit, Dirty Harry, and Quinn Martin Productions where the difference between life and death is your quick wits and a handful of maverick detectives who don’t take no for an answer.
GM: Joe Linehan
Cereal Killers: One More Bowl
"A cereal like yours comes along but once in a millennium and to take that away..." Following the tragic events of last year's Identity Prizes, the heroes must make a fateful decision. It's icon vs. icon and Cereal City will never be the same. Play one of the great cereal icons in the grim and gritty world of today's comics in this humorous game fortified with 8 essential vitamins and minerals.
GM: Joe Linehan
The Auditioners: Back to the Fuhrer
Our 8th Adventure finds Fair City's silliest hero team racing through time to fight an old enemy with an evil plan to alter the course of World War II. Roleplaying and a sense of humor are necessary if you want to give those ratzis what for.
GM: Joe Linehan
Can of Whupass 2008: A Decade of Whupass
Evil Fleet's signature event! Celebrate 10 years of pop culture and gaming icons duking it out in the ring! 10 years of slugfests where good role playing increases your chance to win! 10 years of cool prizes for all players! 10 years of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog! If you don't know why so many players AND spectators call this "The Best Event at Gen Con", don't wait another 10 years to find out - because this year we're pulling out all the stops!
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, Joe Linehan, David Cabrera
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
During 2009 we reduced the number of events we would be running at Gen Con that year. Some of our members had prior important engagements to attend so we did not have the number of GMs able to run as we did in the past year.
As our commitment has always been about our quality of games rather than quantity we made that decision to reduce our events to continue to bring you, the players, quality games that we hope would be the highlight of your convention.
This was also the year that we hit ‘Premier Event Group’ status with Gen Con. As it says in the Gen Con book; “Premier events are run by groups that hold to the highest standards with their games.” We do and we always will!
For King and Country
Spain 1812, Wellington is beginning his advance into Spain but dark and mysterious events threaten the fragile Anglo-Spanish alliance against Napoleon. Your small band of riflemen must travel far into enemy territory in order to get to the heart of this mystery, and perhaps save the war for England.
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
Pound Foolish, Penny Wise
Colorado is the home of the Rockies, the Great Plains and now something else. A mystery has fallen over a small secluded town and they need your help to solve it. But it’s a race against the clock, so you better be quick! They you can try to answer the question: Are you pound foolish or penny wise?
GM: David Cabrera
Co-GM: David Wulatin
Paranoia Trek VIII: Full Contact
Greeting, Bald-Y-HED, Wrinkl-Y-HED, Scott-Y-BZE, Point-Y-ERZ, Touch-Y-FLY, Weasl-Y-KID, Janewa-Y-Kat and Mco-Y-DOC! You have been selected to serve the Computer on an exciting mission that will not involve any experimental unstable time travel to the past. Rumors that Treks divisible by four always involve experimental unstable time travel to the past are treasonous. Have a nice (yester)daycycle!
GM: David Wulatin
JSA vs. Predator
When the top generals of the Third Reich were assassinated, the allies thought it a stroke of luck. Now they are the victims of the same fate and only the legendary Justice Society of America seems capable of hunting the hunters who are stalking the world’s greatest warriors.
GM: Joe Linehan
All-Thrills Comics #5: They Came Before
The year is 1952. On May 3rd, an Air Force Colonel found strange markings in the vicinity of the North Pole. Today, the ruins of a Viking ship with those same markings was discovered near Boston. What sinister secret do they hide? Public Domain heroes from the Golden Age in the darker era of America’s 1950s. Role playing is stressed in a game that will appeal to fans of comics like Watchmen or Project Superpowers.
GM: Joe Linehan
The Auditioners: Plan 10 from Outer Space
Fair City’s silliest hero team is back in an adventure of galactic proportions. Hollywood cult, corrupt public officials, and a run on walnuts all figure into this one. Role playing and a sense of humor are stressed in this one.
GM: Joe Linehan
Cereal Killers: The Directors Cut
10 years ago, we tried to answer the question, ‘What would have happened if Alan Moore wrote breakfast cereal commercials?’ This year the original Cereal Killers is back and it has been revamped and revised to coincide with the release of the Watchmen movie. Play a cereal icon like Captain Crunch, Count Chocula, or Tony the Tiger in the grim and gritty comic book world of the 1980s. Bring you sense of humor to this one.
GM: Joe Linehan
The Fox and The Eagle
Spain 1812- Richard Sharpe and the 95th Rifles encounter a foppish Californian by the name of Don de la Vega and his milk brother Bernardo with a secret mission vital to defeating Napoleon. This game is a blend of Bernard Corwell’s Sharpe and Isabel Allende’s Zorro. Play Sharpe, Zorro, or one of their comrades in a game of black powder and glinting steel.
GM: Joe Linehan
Can of Whupass 2009: It’s (Bleep)ing Gold!
Our signature event enters its eleventh year at Gen Con! Pop culture and gaming icons duke it out in the ring! It’s the only slugfest where good role playing increases your chance to win! Cool prizes for all players! Play-by-play commentary from Triumph and Dr. Phil! Find out why so many call this ‘The Best Event at Gen Con!’
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, Joe Linehan, David Cabrera
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
2010 proved to be a great year for us. We ran a total of 8 events and serviced over 90 players for all of our games. Each and every one of our events was a sell out with a couple allowing extra players to get in on the fun. We had great runnings, great players and great outcomes on all of our events. We ended our Gen Con in high spirits because of those great outcomes and looked forward to getting into gear for next year’s events.
In addition to our events this was the year we created our first website and created our own Facebook page. We even went ahead and purchased the domain name ‘’. We were moving ahead at The Evil Fleet and we had no intentions of looking back.
Ice Station Omega
Point Barrow, Alaska. 1952. Perched on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, this small Inuit outpost has suddenly become a flashpoint of the Cold War. Something was found under the ice, and now apparently someone or something is willing to kill for it. Can the investigators unravel this mystery?
GM: Bill Maddocks
Co-GM: David Cabrera
Unnameable Basterds
We’re gonna be doin’ one thang & one thang only. Killin’ Natzis! Allied intelligence report something new has reared its’ ugly head from the Nazi regime. Now it’s up to your small band of commandos to travel deep behind enemy lines to find out what it is & put an end to it. They say you guys are a little crazy. Good! You’re going to need it!
GM: David Cabrera
Co-GM: David Wulatin
Paranoia Trek IX: The Shangr-I-LAA Ripoff
Greetings, FED sector troubleshooters! Which sector will win the Happiest Sector of the Yearcycle award? Please gather data to assist the Computer in his decision. The Ultraviolet citizens of these sectors have a lot riding on this award, so please do not succumb to bribery, threats, extortion, swindles, mutant powers, secret society plots, assassination attempts, vaporizations, or infomercials. Have a nice daycycle!
GM: David Wulatin
JSA vs. Cthulhu
Since I first started running Justice Society games at Gen Con, they’ve fought some of the most vile and powerful villains in comic book & movie history. Now they face a threat so vast & powerful that the entire roster of 18 JSA members will be used. This will be the Justice Society game to end all Justice Society games.
GM: Joe Linehan
All-Thrills Comics 1953
Golden Age superheroes from the public domain team together in the darkest post war world. In our sixth adventure the heroes face an old enemy that has already killed thousands in Europe & threatens the United States. Sometimes heroism takes more than fancy powers. This event will not disappoint.
GM: Joe Linehan
Power Core: Grand Rapids
High above the Earth in a high tech watchtower, the most powerful beings on the planet watch over & protect us. This game isn’t about those guys. This game is about the other heroes-the ones who fight crime and earn a paycheck. Justice League Unlimited meets The Office.
GM: Joe Linehan
Hell’s Pawnbreaker
If you’re ready for exciting two-fisted adventure, journey back to the pulp era where a seemingly natural death leads the Midnight Watch on the trail of a most unnatural conspiracy. Roleplaying, Problem Solving, & a good right hook are requirements for this one.
GM: Joe Linehan
Can of Whupass 2010: Pants on the Ground!
Our signature event enters its’ 12th year at Gen Con! Pop culture & gaming icons duke it out in the ring! Only slugfest where good role-playing increases you chances to win! Only game with color commentary by Triumph & Dr. Phil & cool prizes for every player! How can we top the last 11 years? By having more new characters than ever before! Find out why so many call this ‘The Best Event at Gen Con!’
GM: David Wulatin
Co-GMs: Bill Maddocks, Joe Linehan, David Cabrera
Cruise Director: Judith Warren
Gen Con 2017 Starts On:
Evil Thoughts
Evil Hits
The Evil Fleet

The Evil Ones
Dave Wulatin (Watchdog)
Joe L. (Vendetta)
Bill Maddocks (Morgbacca)
Judith Warren (Indigo)
Dave Scheftel (Nightshade)
Dave Cabrera (Igotnothing)
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